Phi Pi Epsilon News

There are several items of FPE interest to call to your attention. First of course is the fact that it is the beginning of the year and the $6 dues are payable if you want to continue to help.

The TV-arrest case in New York City that we collec- ted a defense fund for will probably go to the Supreme Court of the U.S. in due course and may require another collection for the purpose. The N. Y. Appeals Court re- fused to consider the appeal because of an adverse rul- ing a few weeks before on a similar charge. However 2 of the Justices dissented thus indicating a clear case of question as to the constitutionality of the statute under which the arrest was made. This opens the way to the U.S. Supreme Court which could provide a real milestone if it reversed the N.Y, conviction. More information will be passed on to you when new decisions have been reached, but the matter is very much alive.

The weekend of March 19-21, I, as Virginia, attended a Medical Course for Physicians at the University of Calif. Med. School in San Francisco. I made myself known to a number of the big wheels of the conference, gave them the leaflets and told them about the magazine, the Foun- dation, etc. It was all received with interest, acceptance and no condemnation. I even went to the cocktail party and Kinsey Memorial Dinner at the Statler Hotel in my best cocktail dress yet. I feel that my presence there was valuable to those I spoke with since it showed that a TV could not only get around adequately among pro- fessional persons but that she could be a lady, a real person in her feminine role, at ease, sociable and un- ashamed.

I feel I did a service for the cause and am asking the Foundation to pay the air fare, hotel and registration fees. Every effort at education helps.

Don't forget the pamphlets that I have prepared for mailing to authorities. At only 10¢ apiece you can cer- tainly spare a few bucks for them and postage to do your part in the educational program. Everybody can get into this act, please do. VIRGINIA